welcome to weiss beauty
where regenerative medicine meets aesthetics

Unlock your body’s own potential to create a younger looking YOU!

Weight Loss

Don’t wait to drop the weight, visit Weiss Beauty to learn about its weight loss programs

We offer metabolic rate assessments so you know exactly how many calories you need each day to maintain your weight or lose those extra pounds. Patients can also have their body composition (lean muscle mass, body fat, bone mass) assessed to track their progress. We combine that data with the support and direction you need to create an overall weight loss and fitness plan. Through our partnership with Physical Equilibrium we are able to address all of your goals.

We also offer evaluations for GLP-1 agonists (Ozempic, Mounjaro, etc.) This is a treatment option for people who struggle with chronic weight management. First used as an effective diabetes drug, this medication is now available to help patients achieve long term weight loss.

515 Madison Ave, 5th Fl, New York, NY 10022